This is the final outcome of our film poster titled 'Lullabye'. As you can see, when you look at the original draft of the poster and the one created in Adobe Photoshop CS3, it looks very different. When trying to re-create the original draft in Photoshop i started off with the title which i created simply using the pencil tool and drew each and every line individually. I did the lines individually and layered them over each other as this gave it an interesting look, making it look scratchy as i originally planned. The title of the movie moved from the top
of the poster to the bottom as when researching horror movies, most of them had titles which were at the bottom of the poster so we wanted to continue that connotation and moved our title.
The image used in our final outcome poster and our draft poster is completely different, this is because when we were taking photos we didn't take any that were similar to the draft or if there were any similar then they didn't show the
whole body (e.g. the feet) so we decided to choose a image which would look just as good yet continuing the idea of not revealing her identity to the audience. I think the choice of the image fits the poster well as it still carries that
black empty surrounding around her just like the original draft i drew.
Overall i think the film poster is a success as it follows the conventions of a horror movie. The colours used in the poster are dark and sinister and it creates a sense of fear.
Overall i think the film poster is a success as it follows the conventions of a horror movie. The colours used in the poster are dark and sinister and it creates a sense of fear.

Here i have created a Japanese version of our final film poster due to our teaser trailer "Lullabye" relating to J-horror. By using Goggle translator i simply typed in 'Lullabye' and it came up with Japanese symbols which i then put into Adobe Photoshop to put it in the right place. I did the same thing with the slogan. We wanted to make a Japanese version of our final poster hoping it would be popular in Japan and link to the Japanese horror genre of movies.

Whilst browsing around on Google, i managed to find a Japanese version of the popular movie Black Swan, although Black Swan has nothing to do with Japanese genre of movies or star any Japanese actors/actresses, i can see that by making a Japanese version of the film poster definitely attracts the audience in Japan.
Lucy Luu
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