During our production, I decided to go beyond just making the trailers and the posters and the magazine, and considered merchandising.
In the past, films such as the Harry Potter franchise and the Dark Knight have had some of their films characters made into merchanise such as key rings and character figurines.

Lebowski Fest is a celebration of all things related to the 1998 Coen brothers cult comedy, "The Big Lebowski." Fans of the film (aka "Achievers") come from far and wide to drink white Russians, throw some rocks and party with an array of Dudes, Walters and Maudes (not to mention a nihilist or two). It's a two-day party that typically opens with live performances and screening of the film the first night and concludes with a raucous bowling party the following night. The First Annual Lebowski Fest was in 2002 in Louisville, but subsequent fests have been held in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Las Vegas, Austin, Seattle, London and Edinburgh. While the Coen brothers continue to maintain a safe distance from the madness they created, the fest has earned the blessing of the Dude himself, Jeff Bridges, who attended the fest in L.A. and even stuck around to sing a few songs. Check out photos from past fests, and click here find out when Lebowski Fest might be coming to a city near you." - LebowskiFest Online

I realised that we would need a small group of devoted followers that have enjoyed the film to buy any sort of merchandise from us. First we would need a fan club and then afterwards we would be able to develop merchandise such as mugs, t-shirts and key rings:

Adaptations of forms of merchandising done by Lucy.
Information about merchandising done by Fenetta
Information about merchandising done by Fenetta
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