The poster consists of our main character, an innocent looking asian girl with her back turnt to the audience, showing isolation and segregation. The fact that she is facing a different directiona nd is not facing front is a key aspect to the fact that we have not used the typical convention of the actress facing frontwards, because we didn't want the audience to know what she looks like. The only way to know is to watch the film, or read the magazine which is usually realeased some time after the poster and the trailer. We made her face another direction mainly because we didn't want the audience to get an idea or anything that the piece may be about making them suspicious and giving them more of a reason to want to watch the movie.

This is what it looked like before the tea and blood:
And evidently, the poster and the magazine is what is looked liked after the tea and blood had stained it. (Picture of Lucy)
In terms of the make-up and clothing, there's not much make-up that can be seen from the back, but the clothing connotes an idea of innocence with the pretty flowers embroided and printed on it. The floral print shows nature, but also, the colour of the dress and the blood stains on it connotes something more sinister and scary than just a girl in a oversized gown.

We used the convention of a horror magazine and made the writing different fonts and used the colour read to connote blood.
We included different films on the front, again using the convention of a typical magazine. The dark colours are also a convention.
Teaser trailer:
Follwoing normal conventions of teaser trailers, therefore the lenght of time and the quick cut of shots is normal fore teaser trailer conventions. Also using good timing to scare the audience and keep them on the edge of there seats, the idea of this is to create a buzz. in terms of costume, make up and props, the group used a old gown covered in tea stains to make it look old and blood stains to add a horror type feeling to the image of the character. The makeup used was simplisitc, using dark foundation, black, brown and purple eyeshadow to produce bruises on the characters face, and finally lots of eyeliner to make the characters eyes look evil and scary. Using this look for the character meant that the group wanted to get across a small dose of the film and what they have to look foward to.
using normal horror conventions made the teaser interesting because it is against many teasers of it's kind, but we had to produce something that makes it stand out from the rest.
Lauren Lawlor.
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