Shooting script

Name of film: Lullaby

When we will be filming: 21st September 2010

Where: In the media corridor

The teaser trailer is set over a one day.

The scene is set in a corridor, in which we will be using as a room for our main character. Horror films are usually set in dark and cold periods, so I would say at 11pm at night and in December. By her costume, you can tell that there is a sense of 'old-fashion' in the teaser trailer.
The costume is an essiental part of the teaser trailer because it is substatually bigger than the main character, connoting a lot, like whether it is hers or not.

Shot 1: Girl in closet, rocking back and forth, humming to herself.

Transition: Shot cuts to black here

Shot 2: She slowly stands up and turns around to face camera

Transition: Shot cuts to black here

Shot 3: Girl stands up and walks towards camera

Transition: Quick-paced cuts between shots then normal pace resumes

Shot 4: Girl's hand dripping with blood

Shot 5: Close-up of girls face.

Shot 6: Another shot of girl's hand dripping withi blood, but this time from a low angle looking up at her hand.

Shot 7: Extreme close-up of girl raising her head. Camera turns from out of focus to in focus.

Shot 8: Girl standing and turning her head from left to right, to face the direction of the camera.


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