This storyboard shows the first ideas, using this when filming it was easy to see which shot we all needed and using the storyboard it was easy to come to terms with the order for the editing of the video to make the final product.
using a simplistic but effective first idea, the group decided to produce 4-6 differnt shots, place in a teaser trailer, influenced by the normal conventions of horror teaser trailers.
making a unique horror teaser trailer is in our groups interest and by producing experimental shots and methods the group are aiming to produce an exciting final product.
After using this storyboard when shooting the group decided to use the story board as a main outline, once reaching the editing phase of the process, the group looked at the sequence of shots taken, and decided that the process needed to be repeated and more experimental shots needed to be added to the end product to add individuality and an interesting teaser trailer.
The group therefore decided to produce a new storyboard, using a more interesting sequence, this is because the first idea was to simplistic and the shots placed in this order produced a slow, random teaser which made no sence at all. This was because the random shots placed together didn't make any sense, the group therefore decided this must be changed because then the end product will be better.
Lauren Lawlor
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