
We are requesting the permission to make a horror film teaser trailer for my media A2 coursework. To make teaser trailer, I will need to use a digital camera which I will borrow from the media department and will use to film our horror tearser trailer. After filming, I will edit it in Final Cut Pro and select the parts that we need in order to formal our final cut of our teaser trailer. The target audience for my horror teaser trailer will be for males and femals mainly between the age of 16-28 and I will get critical feedback from thr public viewers on Youtube.

Our genre of film is horror, and we will be developing a 30-45 second teaser trailer suitable for TV viewing and cinema advertising purposes promoting our film. Along with a teaser trailer, we will also be making another 2 forms of promotional media such as a magazine front cover and a poster. This blog will be used to keep our teachers and you, the examiner, up to date and informed on our progress as a group and as individuials.

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