These are some of the Raw photograhps taken by Lauren Lawlor before the stages of photoshop and editing.
This photograph was taken on the first day of shooting, showing where Lucy was sitting in the closet, where most the trailer was to be filmed. This photograph was taken just before the shot of her rocking was filmed. This shot was used in the final product as the first shot used in the sequence.

This shot was taken on the first day of filming, for firstly the continuity of the make up and hair, in other words, we looked back at this image on the second day of shooting to make sure there was a continuos flow of how Lucy looked through out the whole trailer. This image was uploaded to facebook on the first day of shooting, it created a buzz about the whole project and people added input into the look of the character which was the first point of audience feedback the project had. Some of the comments were "she looks scary, the costume is good" Thomas Collins, "Her makeup creates a mood its scary" Matthew Mcsweeny. "She looks like the Actor from the grudge, the costumes cool, she looks innocent and cute" Lauren McCloskey.
This image shows the camera and the lights recording the clips, this was just before the second shot of the sequence when lucy lifts her head up and then it goes in and out of focus, which is one of the most interesting shots of the whole teaser trailer.
This images was taken on the first day of filming, as you can see the areas very dark and the outcome of most the filming is that is was underexposed and we wasn't able to use the shots taken.
This is a shot of the set, showing the lights, camera, closet and the tripods. This set was quite small and cramped, however the team worked well together and we kept it in control.
This image was taken before the hand blood shot was taken, which was added into the main teaser, This image shows the application of blood onto lucy's hands, it also shows the set including lights, camera and closet. (also shown is the wires tucked away safely and the storyboard on the floor next to the camera, which I used to give me an outline for the order of shots.)
an image to show Lucy in the closet, showing her getting ready for the next shot.
Lucy moving to stand up, this was one of the shots on the main storyboard. This shot did not work because it was to simplistic and made no sense to the final product.
This image shows the team work, looking at shots to see if the lighting was good and if the shot idea worked, as the group experimented with different shots
This was a shot the group decided to do off the storyboard because it is a chance to experiment with the filming, and also to produce differnt types of shots and differnt angles.
This is a behind the scenes image of me checking the photograph I had just taken, this show Lucy wait for me to tell her how to pose for the next photograph.
This shows the making of the image on the poster, this image shows the teamwork produced when taking this photograph, showing the reflector to make the lighting satisfactory and how I want the image to look in the end product.
This is a photograph of me (Lauren Lawlor) taking an image on the blue screen, to produce images for the magazine front cover and the poster. I used manual settings, a lightbox and lots of fake blood.
This shows the brightness of the lightbox, also Lucy posing for an photograph on the blue screen.
Getting taught by sir how to use the light box to the best of my ability helped me out, being able to produce brilliant images, All the image were taken in front of onlookers and they were walking around the college, looking around. They all added there own feedback also, saying "The images were good, and the actor looked very scary" some small children looking round the college were scared to enter the room, this meant our group had reached the factor of having a scary factor, even though its a bad feeling scaring a child, the group use this as feedback and understood that we had reached a good enough scare factor.
This image shows the light box, main character and me taking the images for the poster image, showing lucy in fully costume, with her hands tied and lots of blood over her hands.
This image shows me taking the image in different angles, using the manual zoom.
This image is also showing me in a different angle. showing some people looking around the college, adding audience feedback to our project and how everything looked.
This image shows lucy walking, This image is framed very weirdly showing her in the first 3rd of the image, This image is out of focus and very dark. This group doesn't look that good because of the dark lighting and the framing.
This image is framed interestingly, however it shows a cute view on Lucy's face, in other words, its not scary enough, once this image was taken i decided to use the light box to my advantage in the next image I took because this image shows a more brighter view on Lucy, which could connote a nice personality, which is not what I wanted to put across, I wanted the image to look like she had evil from within her.
This photograph is interesting showing a freaky type of stature, however it is very bright and you can't make out alot from this image becuase it is over exposed and doesn't conote a horror feeling. Eg: Dark, scary...
This image shows the application of blood onto lucy's face.
using the light box to the best of my ability, I made half lucy's face look dark and the other look light, this meant that the image could connote that she has the darkness within her dark personality.
Post by Lauren Lawlor