We've tried to keep our film trailer as simple as possible. Not because it would be hard work to try and develop this poster, because we did our research on movie poster and realised that the scariest and most effective ones have all been very simple with a single imagine. We followed the traditional conventions of a horror movie poster by using an odd number of images; one. We placed the subject in the corner of the poster. I felt that this made the poster feel more uncomfortable to look at, as when you look at the poster, you don't directly look at the main girl. The space around the main character makes you feel as if the character is alone, and people tend to feel more uncomfortable when they're alone.
Another thing about this poster that I feel makes it effective, is the use of a child. In the past, children have been the main characters in a lot of the most popular and major horror movies, for example, 'The Omen' and 'Poltergeist'.
The connotations of children are usually innocent and harmless, so the use of a child provides a more phycological feeling to the poster. The title 'Lullaby', is written in a child-like font because lullabies are usually sung to put little children to sleep. I think this title is a good title because no matter where you live or how you live, everybody knows a lullaby. Whether it is 'Rockaby baby' or 'Hush Little Baby', lullabies are known globally and are sung by millions so I feel that this film title will be effective in it's role in attracting a global audience.

This is our second attempt at designing a film poster, the reason why we felt the need to design another film poster was because we wanted to see what it would look like if we changed a little of the detail: the teddy. Teddy bears are usually found in the hand of children and that is what keeps them looking innocent, from the first moment you look at the film poster you just notice there being a child in the corner until you look down to her hand you'd notice the child's hand dripping with blood and a bundle of flowers drenched in blood which portrays a more sinister and evil young child.
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