For the magazine front cover we wanted to keep it looking simple as well as making the face of the main character from 'Lullaby' on the front cover being all you see. The reason we decided to use an extreme close up of the girl's face was because during the teaser trailer you don't get to see much (or any) of the girl's face so therefore we wanted to tempt the audience a little by showing a sneak peak of what just half her face looks like. Whilst drawing her face i started to see a similarity with the characters from Japanese horror movies such as 'The Ring' and 'The Grudge' with the long black hair covering half or the entire face. 'Lullaby Premier' is put in front of the hair in a white scratchy font (same as the font used in the film poster) as it will stand out in front of the long black hair and so people will know what the movie is called. On the left hand side we have small photographs of Lullaby snapshots to let the audience know what Lullaby looks like and for them to develop interested in the movie.
'The Big Screen' was simply a name for the magazine that came to mind whilst thinking for a name but in fact i think the name suits the magazine very well, this is because the magazine is about movies therefore while watching movies you're usually watching it in the cinema or on a big screen for the best impact. All magazines include captions of what other pages in the magazine contain to create an interest within the audience, the captions i decided to use on the front of our magazine front cover include 'Top 10 movies ever' - this makes the audience wonder what the top 10 movies ever are and therefore they may buy the magazine to read this further. Other captions include 'Shia LaBeouf on filming Transformers 3' - I thought this was a good caption to include as Shia LaBeouf is a popular actor so if he is included within the magazine, the audience may be interested. The last caption i used was 'Massive Preview Special', i thought this caption would catch eyes of the audience as people would want to know previews of the upcoming movies which is why i included big favourites such as 'Harry Potter' and 'Toy Story 3' on the list. Above the header i added a rhetorical question as a slogan to let the audience know this is magazine is featured on horror movies.
Overall i think the outcome of our magazine cover came out better than i imagined, this was because before i started i didn't have an initial idea of what i wanted it to look like but after looking at examples i knew what wanted to be included on the magazine and i included all that was needed.
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